A small project I managed to plan, built and finalize all my myself with a little help of friends, family and YouTube videos. and everything to get the perfect photograph of a very elusive specie.
Ever since I started taking photographs of birds, when I was in their proper habitat or some specific locations I knew about, I always had in mind this incredible picture of a very elusive bird called Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus). For weeks I planned and built the hide from scratch (pictures below). I had just one objective in mind and it was getting as close as possible to this specie.
I inspired myself for this project based in photographers using floating hides in Europe, inside lakes or ponds, as soon as I finished the hide I encountered a big problem. Most of the bodies of water where the grebes live is also habitat for the American crocodile. I was sure I didn't wanted to come across a crocodile while photographing grebes.
After finding a small pond crocodile free, I went straight into the water. At the beginning the birds where cautious about the hide but the longer I stayed inside the more comfortable they became with it. They even started fishing and having their normal behavior right in front of my eyes.